I absolutely enjoyed this book and Kim has done it again!!!

The push and pull of what to do given the situation is great. Pro football player and Med Staff intern (who also happens to be related to the coach) is a classic problem.

I love that Lucas and Gillian are wonderfully written characters with depth and flaws that everyone can understand. While they understand the issue with being together and falling in love, they can’t seem to fight the risk. The sexy scene’s are spicy and hot. The friendships with the other staff and players is great (haven’t heard “Jelly” in that reference in years – hehe)

The back ground story of both of their family lives is interesting and one that I wasn’t expecting but did cry at Gillian’s. It was sorry tragic but one done to protect the love between mother/father/child.

Wonderfully written book and a great read. I would recommend this to everyone who likes romance, sports and fun characters.

Please note that I received this as an ARC for review.